Mar 2, 2008

What Smile Can Do

The Value of Smile on Christmas

It doesn't ask to be paid, but it gives many

It make the receiver richer, without make the giver poorer

It just happen once, but sometimes the memory of it will last forever

Nobody although that rich can endure without it, and nobody although that poor but become richer because of it

It create happiness in the house, support kindness in business, and a token of response from friends

It gives rest for tiredness, bright for desperation, daylight for sadness, and natural amulet for trouble

But it cannot be bought, requested, borrowed, or stolen because it is something useless before given to somebody

And if at the last minutes of Christmas where most of our waitress become too tired to give you smile, can we ask you to leave your smile?

Because there's no one who needs smile better than those who has no more to give


The expression reflected from some one's face is more important than the cloth he/she wears.
Smile to your friends and you'll see what smile can do in your relationship. I talk about an honest smile, not a fake smile. Your friends can tell whether your smile is fake or not. Do this and your relationship with your friends will be much much better. (^.^)/)


anita chan said...

smile always makes all things better..
keep smile everyone =)

Anonymous said...

Yea..Smile will make you looked younger and happier ^^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yeah! really smile show that you are happy better younger and lovely everyone need smile but sometimes we can't smile.