Mar 2, 2008

How to Get Cooperation

Let Other People Feel Like The Idea is Their Idea

Don't you feel far more easy to accept your idea you found than idea given to you on a silver plate? If so, isn't it a bad idea to force your opinion to somebody's throat? isn't it wise if you give your suggestion and let other people think the conclusion?

Adolph Seltz from Philadelphia, Sale Manager in car exhibition, held a meeting. He asked the employee to tell him, what they like him to do. As he spoke, he wrote their idea on blackboard. Then he said,"I'll give you the quality you expect from me. Now I want to tell you, what right I can get from you." The answer came real fast : loyalty, honesty, initiative, optimism, cooperation, enthusiastic eight-hours work. An employee even willing to work 14 hours a day voluntarily. And Seltz report that the increment of sale is really amazing.

"The people have made a moral agreement with me," Seltz said," and as long as I responsible to my role in it, they too are decide to responsible to they role. Do a consultation with them about their expectation and desire is a bulls-eye they need.

No one like to think that he/she is being sold or ordered to do something. We far more happy if we buy with our own desire, or do something with our own idea. We like to discuss about our expectation, desire, and thought.

"The reason why ocean accept honor from a hundred river in mountain is because ocean remain under them. So, they can control all current mountain river. The wise, if he expect to be above everybody, he take a position under them; if he expect to be in front of them, he positioned himself behind them."


anita chan said...

so wise words,,,^o^
who wanna be the highest must act the lowest=p

Anonymous said...

Yup ^^
The way you act show how high you are

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Anonymous said...

Hello all

[url= ] audio English only Quran for the first time on the internet [/url]

Islam rejects Jesus because:

Jesus is not accepted as `the Son of God'

The Qur'an and Sunnah both teach us emphatically and without any doubt that the Creator considers the statement of the Trinity to be a great falsehood. The Qur'an states (translation):

[19:88-93] They say: "(Allah) the Most Merciful has begotten a son!" Indeed you have put forth a thing most monstrous! At it the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin, that they should invoke a son for (Allah) the Most Merciful. For it is not consonant with the majesty of (Allah) the Most Merciful that He should beget a son: Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to (Allah) the Most Merciful as a servant.

However, the misconception that Jesus is rejected does not follow from the reason given above. It is more precise to say that identifying Jesus as `the Son of God' is rejected. As a Messenger of Allah, Jesus is accorded the same honor that all the Messengers are given, as the following verse attests to (translation),

[2:136] Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered. [Arabic "Muslimoon"]

For more details [url= ]click her[/url]


All of us will die one day INCLUDING YOU.

so before you die you must find out where the HELL you are going too.

You must find out

who is our savior Jesus or ?

You may sleep tonight and never get up in the morning?

You may die today.

You may die within a week

You may die within a month

you may die within a year

you may die within the next ten years

one thing for sure

You will die

so find out how is our savior so that he may save you.

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